第十二规则. 客户保障信托基金

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第一节. 设立信托基金
特此授权并设立一个信托基金, to be known as the "客户保障信托基金 of the District of Columbia 酒吧"(hereinafter referred to as "the Trust Fund").

第二节. 信托基金的管理
信托基金由五名受托人依本细则经营管理, 任命如下所述. 受托人应被称为“哥伦比亚特区澳博app协会客户担保基金受托人”." 

第三节. 信托基金的目的
The purpose of the Trust Fund shall be to maintain the integrity and protect the good name of the legal profession by reimbursing, 在本规则授权及受托人认为适当及合理的范围内, 哥伦比亚特区澳博app协会成员的不诚实行为所造成的损失, 以澳博app或受托人的身份行事(除非他们之间有联系). 

第四节. Trustees; Appointment and Term of
受托人须由法院委任,任期如下:一人任期一年, 一个2年, 一个3年, 一个4年, 还有一个是5年. 在最初的任命之后, each subsequent appointment shall be for a term of 5 years and no appointee who has served a full term of 5 years shall be eligible for reappointment to the committee until 1 year after the termination of his last term. 出缺应由本法院任命填补,任期未届满. 就本条而言, "members" shall include individuals disbarred by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals no more than two years before the commencement of the attorneys-client relationship if the client reasonably believed the lawyer was licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia at the time that the client retained the lawyer. 

第五节. 受托人的责任
受托人应获得授权, 不迟于七月一日开始, 1972, to consider claims for reimbursement of losses arising after the effective date of these rules and caused by the dishonest conduct of members of the District of Columbia 酒吧 acting either as a lawyer or as a fiduciary in the matter in which the loss arose except to the extent to which they are bonded to the extent such losses are otherwise covered. 就本条而言, "members" shall include individuals disbarred by the District of Columbia Court of Appeals no more than two years before the commencement of the attorney-client relationship if the client reasonably believed that the lawyer was licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia at the time that the client retained the lawyer. 受托人可以管理宣誓和确认书, 根据高等法院民事规则第45条, 是否可以通过传票强制证人出席并出示相关书籍, 论文, 和文件. Subpoenas issued during the course of an investigation shall indicate on their face that the subpoenas are issued in connection with an investigation under this rule. 高等法院可以, 经受托人申请后, 强制任何证人出席和作证,并强制出示传票所传唤的任何文件. 传票和证人的费用和里程应与上级法院相同. 高等法院可审理并裁定对如此发出的传票的有效性提出的任何质疑. 受托人应获得授权 and empowered to admit or reject such claims in whole or in part to the extent that funds are available to it, 受托人在决定支付索偿的顺序和方式方面有完全的自由裁量权. All reimbursements shall be a matter of grace and not of right in the 客户保障信托基金 as third party beneficiary or otherwise. 对基金提出索赔的澳博app不得获得赔偿. 

第六节. 规则 Governing Fund; Adoption of
受托人 are authorized to adopt regulations not inconsistent herewith and subject to the approval of the 董事会 of Governors of the District of Columbia 酒吧 for the management of its funds and affairs, 提出索赔、处理和支付索赔. 

第七节. 基金的发放
All sums appropriated by the 董事会 of Governors for the use of the Trustees shall be held by the Treasurer of the District of Columbia 酒吧 in a separate account known as "Clients' Security Fund" subject to written direction of the Trustees under the regulations adopted by the Trustees.

8节. 基金用途

受托人 may use or employ the Clients' Security Fund for any of the following purposes within the scope of the Trustees' objectives as heretofore outlined:

(二)购买全部或者部分赔偿损失的保险, provided that such insurance is obtainable at reasonable costs and is deemed appropriate and provided that the purchase of such insurance is approved by the 董事会 of Governors of the District of Columbia 酒吧;
(3) To invest such portions of the fund as may not be needed currently to pay losses in United States Government Bonds or federally insured savings institutions located within the District of Columbia;
(4) To deposit at interest in federally insured banks or savings institutions located in the District of Columbia;the interest or other income thereby received to be added to and automatically become a part of said Fund. 

9节. 受托人的开支

第十节. 受托人报告
受托人 shall provide a full report of their activities at least yearly to the 董事会 of Governors of the District of Columbia 酒吧 and shall make such other report of their activities and give only such publicity to same as the 董事会 of Governors may deem advisable.

11节. 解除受托人职务. 撤销基金
法院可随时撤换受托人并撤销信托基金. 在这种废除的情况下, all assets of the 客户保障信托基金 shall be and remain the property of the District of Columbia 酒吧 to be used for its general purposes as determined by the 董事会 of Governors.

12节. 拨款予基金
The 董事会 of Governors of the District of Columbia 酒吧 shall be authorized in its discretion to make an appropriation to the 客户保障信托基金 in the amount of not less than $10,000.00 for the 1st year of operation and thereafter in such amounts as it may deem necessary and proper for each subsequent year.

13节. 基金付款

仅当哥伦比亚特区澳博app公会收到一份 至此为止 申请人对所涉澳博app的权利转让, 他的私人代表, 他的遗产及受让人, on condition that the Trust Fund shall be entitled to reimbursement on such terms as the trustees may deem proper under the circumstances. 因此种代位权而收取的任何款项应仅用于本基金的利益,并适用于本基金.

14节. 免疫力
提交给客户担保基金的索赔应享有绝对特权, 不得提出或维持由此而提出的任何申诉或诉讼. 受托人, staff and agents of the Clients' Security Fund shall be immune from civil liability and disciplinary complaint under this rule and from suit for any conduct in the course of their official duties.
